Why Annual Backflow Prevention Services Need To Be Top Priority


Baton Rouge backflow prevention services
Oct 23

Why Annual Backflow Prevention Services Need To Be Top Priority

If you’re like most businesses, you probably don’t give your actual plumbing much thought at all. Until, of course, there’s a problem.

And you already know a plumbing problem can be messy and maybe even a little smelly, too.

You might be surprised to learn that your city or town requires a special test to help prevent an unsightly plumbing problem in your business plumbing.

Wondering how backflow prevention services can help? Read on to learn more.

What Is a Backflow?

Backflow happens when the water reverses, and instead of draining out, it reserves and comes back into your business.

This can mean contaminated water could flow where you’re supposed to have clean water. Often because the water is flowing in reverse, it will come back into your commercial space.

Imagine a scenario where wastewater starts flowing back through your faucets and toilet.

Many businesses have a backflow prevention device, so this doesn’t happen.

How Does Backflow Occur?

You might wonder how it is even possible for contaminated water to flow back into the commercial building. Interestingly, gravity takes water out and drains it into your sewer or septic system.

When your business has fresh water coming from a faucet, it flows because of pressure in the water lines, not gravitational forces.

Sometimes the pressured and gravity forces get switched, and you have a reversed flow, meaning the wastewater flows back toward your commercial space.

What Is a Backflow Prevention Test?

Backflow testing is a pretty common plumbing test. You do need a professional plumber who will come to your building.

The plumber will use a field test kit. The kit looks similar to an oversized pressure meter. Hoses from the meter will attach to the backflow preventer in your system.

The plumber will open the corresponding valves while the test kit is attached to check the PSI (pressure) on the backflow preventer you have in your water system.

Most municipalities have a range of PSI readings that the system must pass during the testing.

Different places have different requirements for how frequently you need to have this tested. Some are every year, while others are every few years. Most plumbers would recommend this being done every year.

When Is a Backflow Preventer Required?

You may not even know if backflow preventing devices are required as part of your water system.

There are a few times they are required. Certain plumbing scenarios could be prone to create that change in pressure that causes backflow. Many places require a backflow prevention device if you have the following:

  • Swimming pools
  • Lawn irrigation
  • Boilers
  • Industrial systems that require water
  • Chillers
  • Fire sprinkler

This might also be the scenario where you’re required to have annual testing done by a licensed plumber.

Get the Help You Need With Backflow Prevention Services

Backflow prevention services can help ensure you don’t have a worst-case scenario in your commercial space. You can keep your water system secure with a backflow prevention device and regular testing.

If you’re looking for a plumber to handle backflow testing, we can help. Contact us today to set up a time when we can check out your water system.

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