5 Essential Tips for Good Plumbing Maintenance - Baton Rouge Plumber


plumbing maintenance
Dec 17

5 Essential Tips for Good Plumbing Maintenance

The average household wastes 180 gallons of water per week (9,400 gallons annually) because of household leaks.

Leaks are one of the most common plumbing nightmares but you must regularly check your plumbing system to prevent sky-high repair bills.

If you don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five tips for good plumbing maintenance.

1. Unclog Drains

On your plumbing checklist, unclogging drains should be at the top. Clogs aren’t only irritating but they can shorten the lifespan of your pipes because of the added pressure.

To prevent clogged drains in your kitchen, never pour grease or oil down the sink as they congeal in the pipes and stop the water flow.

If you have a garbage disposal then turn on the water before adding any waste and avoid fibrous food like banana peels as they’re difficult to grind.

When maintaining your pipes in the bathroom, install screens over the drains so hair doesn’t clog the drain. And only throw flushable items down the toilet to prevent a buildup.

2. Check for Leaks

Leaks are a telltale sign of plumbing problems so you must take action immediately. Every week, look under sinks for moisture like puddles, watermarks, or mold growth.

You should also check every faucet to see if water comes out of the handles and test your shower for speed. If bubbles appear when water drains then it’s a sign of a slow drain and must be fixed.

3. Prevent Frozen Pipes

Plumbing system maintenance is crucial especially in winter when the temperature drops.

Frozen pipes are one of the biggest concerns for homeowners because when the water inside your pipe expands, it can burst. To combat this, maintain good pipe maintenance by insulating pipes in areas susceptible to freezing like exterior facets.

4. Drain Water Heater

Regular maintenance on your water heater will extend its life and make it work more effectively. For instance, flush out your water heater to remove sediment as it can cause corrosion and reduce efficiency.

Test the water heater’s pressure release valve by lifting the lever and letting it snap back in place. You can tell it’s working when the valve releases a burst of hot water into the drainpipe.

5. Inspect Gutters

Your gutters must be debris-free so the water can run off away from your home especially in winter.

If the gutter is blocked and the water freezes, there’ll be a build-up and the water will seep into your home. You must also clean, inspect, and cover your sump pump so it runs smoothly.

Those Are Our Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Now you know the five essential maintenance tips so you don’t experience any problems.

Look out for leaks, inspect gutters, and take preventative measures so your pipes don’t burst in the winter. Regularly undergo plumbing maintenance before any problems arise so you save a fortune in repairs.

If you’re experiencing any plumbing problems, we’d love to help. Contact us here for more details.

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